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Generates a new full backup in the selected SPanel user account. The newly created backup is placed in the specified user account’s home directory.

The backup can be uploaded to a remote FTP server instead if the corresponding option is selected and the necessary credentials are fulfilled.


tokenstringYesAuthorizing API token – check API Basics for more information.
accountuserstringYesThe SPanel user account that is being managed or viewed.
actionstringYesThe category and function being executed.
typestringNoDefault: zip. Supported backup archive types: ‘zip’ or ‘tar’.
filesarrayNoDefault: empty (null) – will include all files within the selected account’s home directory. Possible value: an array with existing files.
databasesarrayNoDefault: empty (null) – will include all of the selected SPanel account’s databases. Possible value: an array with existing databases.
passwordstringNoDefault: empty (null). If specified, the archive will be locked with a password. Note: Windows OS does not support encrypted tar archives.
excludearrayNoDefault: empty (null). If specified, certain elements will be excluded from the backup. Possible values: ‘databases’, ‘files’, ’emails’.
expirationstringNoDefault: empty (null). If specified, the backup archive will be deleted on a specific date. Format: d.m.Y, e.g. ‘22.12.2045’.
descriptionstringNoBackup description.
ftpboolNoDefault: false. If set to true, the backup will be uploaded to a remote FTP server using the FTP parameters below.
ftpserverstringNoRequired if ‘ftp’ parameter is true. The remote FTP server host for the backup to be uploaded.
ftpusernamestringNoRequired if ‘ftp’ parameter is true. The remote FTP server’s username for the backup to be uploaded.
ftppasswordstringNoRequired if ‘ftp’ parameter is true. The remote FTP server’s username authorization password for the backup to be uploaded.
ftpemailstringNoRequired if ‘ftp’ parameter is true. An e-mail address which will receive the FTP upload status after the operation is complete.
ftpcleanupboolNoDefault: false. If set to true, the local backup will be deleted when the upload is complete.


You can find more information about the Endpoint URL in our API Basics article.


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