Self Help Documentation
Getting Started
API functions
- email/listemailaccounts
- email/changeemailquota
- email/createemailaccount
- email/removeemailaccount
- email/emailaccountpassword
- email/listemailforwarders
- email/addemailforwarder
- email/removeemailforwarder
- email/getmailroute
- email/setmailroute
- email/listemailautoresponders
- email/addemailautoresponder
- email/removeemailautoresponder
- email/editemailautoresponder
- email/togglespamassassin
- email/setspamassassinscore
- email/listspamassassinsenders
- email/addspamassassinsender
- email/removespamassassinsender
- email/getdefaultaddressstatus
- email/setdefaultaddressstatus
- email/listemailfilters
- email/addemailfilter
- email/removeemailfilter
- domain/listdomains
- domain/adddomain
- domain/changedomainpath
- domain/changemodsecurity
- domain/removedomain
- domain/listsubdomains
- domain/addsubdomain
- domain/changesubdomainpath
- domain/removesubdomain
- domain/listredirects
- domain/createredirect
- domain/removeredirect
- domain/listdnszone
- domain/adddnsrecord
- domain/editdnszone
- accounts/listaccounts
- accounts/wwwacct
- accounts/changeuserpassword
- accounts/changedomain
- accounts/changeuseremail
- accounts/changequota
- accounts/suspendaccount
- accounts/unsuspendaccount
- accounts/terminateaccount
- accounts/listpackages
- accounts/createpackage
- accounts/modifypackage
- accounts/removepackage
- accounts/grantSSH
- accounts/editprivileges
WHMCS Provisioning Module
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Installed Software
PostedMarch 2, 2022
UpdatedMay 15, 2023
A server with SPanel has the following software and services installed by default.
- Latest Apache Web Server
- Latest MariaDB database server
- All PHP versions from 5.6 to the latest stable running PHP-FPM
- Pure-ftpd FTP server
- Exim mail server
- Dovecot POP3/IMAP server
- SpamAssassin anti-spam service
- BIND DNS server
- Memcached
- NodeJS & NPM
- CSF Firewall
- Certbot for issuing free Let’s encrypt SSL certificates
- Softaculous one-click installer
SPanel supports all major web servers such as OpenLiteSpeed, LiteSpeed Enterprise, and Nginx as a reverse proxy of Apache. The SPanel administrator may manage them via the command line or the SPanel Admin Interface.
Additional software can be installed with the DNF/yum package manager or compiled from source by the systems administrator of the server as long as it doesn’t conflict with the pre-installed software managed by SPanel.
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